After a lengthy discussion with my mother yesterday, I have discovered a perfect birthday/retirement gift for her....a blog. Not just any blog, but a blog of her very own, in which she can discuss all things relating to social justice. What will the blog be about exactly?
"My goal in all of this: to change the world for good, end poverty, take care of God's earth, and to live simply so others may simply live."
Hmmmm....that doesn't sound like an unreasonable mission for a blog. Especially not a blog written by my mom. Come to think of it, after reading what she has to say about community, I may have to take a few lessons myself.
"One thing I forgot. I think I know something about community. It starts with you reaching out to other people, establishing relationships, exploring options, spending time together,listening, and placing value on interaction. It grows from a few people to more people and pretty soon, community happens. The word community is not a noun, it is a verb. It moves and melts and molds and ends up being the core of life.Love, Mom"
Thanks for reminding me what it's all about Mom. So, keep your eyes out for my mother's blog...coming soon...and sure to change the world for the better. I'll end with one last comment from the lady who suffered through 36 hours of labor for me:
"Tell me I won't be a bigtime blowhard blogger! "
(We shall overlook the fact that she used blowhard in a sentence and the last person to do that died in 1867.)
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