After spending some time with my mom (the social justice advocate), I've decided to share some of the causes closest to my heart. Some of these I've championed for ages, while others are newfound attempts to save the world.
- Critical Mass---I've been through a lot on my bike and am a firm believer that if we all spent more time on a bike, the world would be a much better place.
- Rev. Billy ---Reverend Billy and his Stop Shopping Choir host tent revivals outside of Wal-Mart and try to exorcise the demons in a Starbucks. His message of anti-consumerism comes with evangelical furor and uplifting spirituals. Amen to that!
- Decreasing WorldSuck---This foundation was set up by two brothers and while it may not boast a huge following, it's a great example of how doing something small can contribute to something big.
- Massage therapy---Yup. I've seen the good it does and if I could buy the world a massage, I would.
- Code Pink---I found out about this one through my mom. She is flying to Washington on Friday to take part in their Mother's Day march on the White House. I'm sure she'll be posting some pictures to her blog...if she remembers how.
- Peace in Retirement---Speaking of my mom's blog...I know, I know, such shameless promotion. But what can I say? She's supported me through so much and I'm excited to see where her blogging takes her. Here she is working on her first blog post. I'm such the proud daughter!
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