I was checking out my official time from the Bolder Boulder last week. Imagine my surprise when I found a picture of myself from the 2007 race greeting me. Sure, the main focus is on the cow, but how many people also saw the Lijit logo on my shirt?
My friend Seth, of Trek Light Gear, noticed me on the BB homepage and commented that he viewed running the race in a Lijit shirt as an "unconventional evangelist technique". What he failed to realize is that once you become an evangelist for something, you begin taking your work home with you by default. I love to run, so getting the chance to do so in a Lijit shirt was actually the perfect blending of my worlds. While I didn't score many publisher sign-ups over the course of the race, I did have lots of eyes on our logo and sometimes that can be half the battle.
When you have a logo that is designed well, it's easy to spark conversation. Lijit has been fortunate enough to sponsor a few different gatherings and it's always amazing to me how our logo looks among other logos. At Gnomedex last year, our logo was the same size as the others and yet stood out in such a defining way. It not only caught the eye, it refused to go unnoticed. There was a moment at SXSW this year, when I was hanging out in the BlogHaus and looked around to see Lijit stickers on the majority of laptops in the room. The sight made this evangelist's heart swell with pride. And I've lost count of how many designers have complimented me on Lijit's logo, telling me how much they like and appreciate it. I had nothing to do with the design but love hearing the positive feedback surrounding it.
Another good reason to have a well-designed logo is that people want your swag. Granted, people want free stuff anyway, but when you have a logo like ours, the demand is through the roof. It makes my job easier when people are sincerely stoked about getting a shirt. (Additionally, it doesn't hurt that our t-shirts are incredibly soft and comfy!) Stickers are in no way a ground-breaking marketing idea but it's pretty easy to see the return on that investment when you see your logo all over the place.
And of course, in my mind, the absolute best reason to have a cool logo is that it facilitates the process of wearing the logo every chance you get. When at conferences, I like to have a handful of stickers on me at all times so that I can tag anyone when the chance arises. Don't believe me? You never know when you might want to slap a sticker on an internet celebrity if the photo opportunity presents itself...
All of this is not to say that you MUST have a cool logo. However, when you're in the trenches, it doesn't hurt the cause.
Thanks to Ross Carlson for the sweet snowboard shot and to Bryce Widom for the awesome logo design. If you're interested in more of Bryce's work, check out the chalk drawings behind the bars of the Mountain Sun and Southern Sun. Yep...even more of his genius on display.
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