It's time to close this chapter and start a new one. I'm leaving Lijit to move on, learn new things and challenge myself. The past three and a half years have been amazing and I wanted to break it down for you.
By the numbers...
6: number of people at the company when I was hired
17: number of conferences that I've attended on behalf of Lijit
329: number of blog posts that I've written between this blog and the company blog
500: percent increase in the number of employees since I've been here
2400: percent increase in the number of active widgets since I started
Lost count: the number of awesome people I've been fortunate to meet through this job
The lessons I walk away with are varied. From learning about the intricacies of search to figuring out how to navigate through the world of social media, I've basically taught myself, through trial and error, how to be a successful evangelist/marketer/publisher recruiter. And for giving me the room to make mistakes and develop my voice, I will be eternally grateful to everyone at Lijit.
Don't even get me started about how much I've learned about blogging. Oy vey. Spending my time deeply entrenched in the world of blogs has opened my eyes to the many writers and photographers out there who make up this entertaining space. I don't want to say that I've seen it all...but it wouldn't be far from the truth. From mommies to daddies, movies to music, dogs to cats, biking to running, the funny to the ridiculous, the amazing to the unbelievable, the local celebrity to the internet famous, those with hair to those without, Lijit has provided many opportunities for my blogging education.
And let's not forget all the food blogs that I've salivated over during my course of employment.
There are many thank-yous, but the first one definitely goes to Todd. In addition to being a cool guy to work for, he really took a chance on hiring me. But I made him laugh and was able to convince him that I knew what an 'evangelist' was supposed to do...and that I was the perfect person to do it. Fortunately, he believed in me and never looked back.
Also, big props go out to Stan, Leslie and Derek, who put up with many dumb questions from me as we were first starting out. I'm a virtual tech success story from when I joined Lijit (shut up I can write a few lines of code) and I have those three to thank for it.
Finally, I need to thank you, the readers and Lijit supporters who have joined me on this journey. Thanks especially to those first few publishers that I reached out to long ago who installed Lijit even after I sent them four-paragraph-long emails.
I can't wait to see what else Lijit accomplishes and I look forward to celebrating their future successes, knowing I had a small part to play in helping to grow the company.
If you want to keep up with Lijit, you should subscribe to the Lijit company blog.
If you want to keep up with me personally, you should subscribe to my "other" blog, Tall Tara, where, among other things, I write about my butt, my physical adventures and my skewed view of humanity.
If that doesn't seem appealing, you can follow me on Twitter. But don't worry...I'm not going to be far.
I have to sign off with one of the most impressive pieces of Lijit advertising (that I never got to use) created by one of my favorite Lijit users ever and a huge source of feedback for us back in the early days, Kato Katonian...
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